LTMPT Office Changed Address

Announcement of the LTMPT office move from 20 January 2020 to 24 January 2020, with the following address:
anisa triselia, 10:10 | News

Changes to the 2020 PDSS Filling Schedule

The LTMPT committee also announced changes to the PDSS filling schedule. Initially, PDSS filling was scheduled for January 13-February 6 2020. Now, it has been changed to January 15-February 8...
anisa triselia, 09:30 | News

2020 LTMPT Account Registration Extension

To provide wider opportunities for schools and students to take part in the selection to enter state universities, as well as paying attention to the LTMPT account registration/registration conditions as...
anisa triselia, 10:20 | News
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