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NUMBER: PENG/ 030 /UN61/2018/AKPK




In connection with the 2018 Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activities, the following activity schedule is hereby presented:

1 Tuesday August 7, 2018 09.00-15.00 Collection of PKKMB equipment for new students on the SNMPTN route R. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 4th Floor Bd. Jen. Sudirman UPNVJ Campus For New Students on the SNMPTN Pathway
2 Wednesday August 8, 2018 09.00-15.00 Collection of PKKMB equipment for new students on the SBMPTN route R. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 4th Floor Bd. Jen. Sudirman UPNVJ Campus For New Students on the SBMPTN Pathway
3 Thursday August 9, 2018 09.00-15.00 Collection of PKKMB equipment for new UPN SM students R. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 4th Floor Bd. Jen. Sudirman UPNVJ Campus For New Students of the UPN SM Pathway for Undergraduate and Diploma 3 Programs
4 Sunday August 12, 2018 06.00-12.00
- New Student Registration
- Opening
- Group Division
- Socialization and Activity Preparation
UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus According to the PKKMB Activity Guidebook
5 Monday to Thursday 13 – 16 August 2018 06.00-17.00 University Level Lectures, Faculties, Study Programs, Student Organizations (Ormawa), Student Activity Units (UKM), UKM Parades and Formations UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus According to the PKKMB Activity Guidebook
6 Friday August 17, 2018 07.00-10.00
- RI's 73rd Independence Day Ceremony
- Handover of new students for the 2018/2019 Academic Year by the University Senate to the Chancellor
- Handover of new students to the Dean by the Chancellor
- Closing of PKKMB activities
UPNVJ Ceremonial Grounds All new students must be present at the venue at 06.00 WIB to prepare for the ceremony
The equipment for the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activities provided is as follows:
1. Guidebook for Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB);
2. Chancellor's Regulation Book on Student Affairs;
3. Name tag;
4. Hat


The Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activity must be attended by all new undergraduate (S1) and Diploma Three (D3) students with the following conditions:
1. Lectures at university level, faculties, study programs, student organizations (Ormawa), student activity units (UKM).
a. Date and time : Monday to Thursday, 13 – 16 August 2018
b. Time : 06.00 to 17.00 WIB
c. Place : According to the schedule in the guidebook
d. Agenda : Lectures at university level, faculties, study programs, student organizations (Ormawa), student activity units (UKM)
e. Clothes : Wear a White Shirt Alma Mater Jacket, black trousers/skirt, black shoes (not sandals) and for those wearing a black headscarf.
f. Provision : for men without long hair (maximum hair length 2 cm), bring lunch, drinking water, and for Muslims bring prayer equipment.
2. Flag Ceremony for the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
a. Date and time : Friday, 17 August 2018
b. Time : 07.00 to 10.00 WIB
c. Place : UPNV Jakarta Ceremony Field
d. Agenda :
- 73rd Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony
- Handover of new students for the 2018/2019 Academic Year by the University Senate to the Chancellor
- Handover of new students to the Dean by the Chancellor
- Closing of PKKMB activities
e. Clothes : Wearing Alma Mater Jacket, White Shirt, Material Pants/Skirt
black, black shoes (not sandals)
and for those who wear black headscarves.


The complete schedule and conditions for Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) can be seen in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activity guidebook which is distributed during the distribution of equipment.

This is conveyed to be known and implemented.


Issued in: Jakarta

On: 31 July 2018

Head of the Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Bureau


Dr. Drs. Suyatno, MM