Number: 42/Sipres/III/A6/2020

Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta, Kemendikbud --- The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) appeals to SMA/SMK/equivalent students who are about to graduate from school or prospective students from low-income families to immediately register for the College Smart Indonesia Card (KIP).

"We hope that all students who are interested in studying will not stop just because they don't have the funds. "Mr President, through the Minister of Education and Culture, has prepared around 400 thousand for KIP Lectures, both regular KIP Lectures and for KIP Affirmative Lectures," explained Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education Paristiyanti during the Education and Culture Afternoon Talk, at the Ministry of Education and Culture Canteen, Building F, Jalan Jenderal. Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (26/2/2020).

In 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture expanded the target of higher education scholarships by providing them to 818 thousand students through KIP Kuliah, including on-going bidikmisi recipients until the study period is completed. For 2020, the government will target 400 thousand new KIP Kuliah recipients. Apart from that, KIP Kuliah will also provide access to vocational education.

"The Minister of Education and Culture often says that education is an investment for our country in the future, that's why he is fighting wholeheartedly to speed up the issuance of the Ministerial Regulation on the Smart Indonesia program, namely Minister of Education and Culture Regulation 10 number 2020 which includes the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and the Smart Indonesia College Card (KIP college)," explained Paristiyanti.

In the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation, said Paristiyanti, KIP Kuliah is intended for prospective students who are less fortunate by showing the identity of having a KIP or having a KKS (Prosperous Family Card), and having another identity that is equivalent to a Prosperous Family Card.

Head of the Education Financing Services Center, Abdul Kahar, explained that the KIP Kuliah program is one of the government's priority programs, "Access to tertiary institutions. Not only how he can improve academic competence, but at least his hope for the future, especially as a priority, is vocational programs, of course this is the government's intention to see how children from poor families can be uplifted and break the chain of what has been a problem in their families all this time. '' he said.

The requirements for KIP Kuliah recipients are high school students or equivalent who will graduate in the current year or graduate 2 (two) years earlier, have good academic potential but have economic limitations as proven by ownership of a national education assistance program in the form of KIP or come from a family participating in the Family Program Harapan (PKH), families holding Prosperous Family Cards (KKS) as well as students from social institutions/orphanages.

Then pass the selection for new student admissions, and be accepted at PTN or PTS in study programs with A or B accreditation, and it is possible with certain considerations in study programs with C accreditation.

According to Kahar, holders or recipients of the Smart Indonesia program while in SMA, MA or SMK this year will graduate around 3.7 million students. Of this number, there are 1.1 million recipients of the Smart Indonesia program. "Of the 1.1 million, although perhaps not all of them will go to college, at least this has become the main target, plus when they were in high school they didn't have time to get the Smart Indonesia program because many things might have been missed from the data collection or maybe also because of quotas in that area or other factors. geographically unreachable, if the parents are holders of the KKS program, just use it. "This is another alternative because it is actually the same," he explained.

Kahar emphasized that the Smart Indonesia Card program should not become a negative issue for previous Bidikmisi recipients, because this is actually a guarantee that their money will not be separated. So those who receive KIP for college consider themselves not to continue the Bidikmisi program, but continue to continue it and become the government's concern until they finish their studies. "The presence of this program does not mean replacing it in the sense of ignoring the old one but rather continuing the old one and expanding access to the new one," he stressed.

Chairman of the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) Mohammad Nasih explained that registration for the National Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SNMPTN), which was originally due to close on February 27 2020 at 23.50, but specifically for prospective students from low-income families who need KIP College, an extension of time is provided to adjust KIP Kuliah registration, namely March 2 to 31 2020.

"For 2020 SNMPTN registration, there are 561,512 students who are eligible to register at SNMPTN, this is in accordance with the quota for each application in each high school," said Nasih.

LTMPT for this year's SNMPTN admissions uses a new model in the selection process for students who are entitled to register for SNMPTN. "Last year we used rankings as a tool for ranking or cut off, this year we use the number of people as a cut off for those who are eligible. "So, if the quota is 40 percent, it remains 40 percent, whereas last year the original 40 percent could become 60 percent or even 80 percent," explained Nasih.

Based on data received by LTMPT to date, there are 103 thousand students who have not registered. Meanwhile, there are 143 thousand students who have not yet completed the finalization process. "Regarding KIP, we are appealing for SNMPTN registration which ends on February 27 2020 at 23:59, we hope that all those who are eligible will immediately register," hoped Nasih.

Jakarta, March 1 2020

Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations

Ministry of Education and Culture
