
NUMBER Peng/54/UN61/DT.01.02/2023



In the context of accepting new students for the Diploma Three Program (D-3) and Undergraduate Program (S-1) for participants in the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University Independent Selection (SEMA UPNVJ) Batch 2 in 2023 with Reserve Acceptance Status , we hereby convey this as follows:

  1. Announcement of UPNVJ SEMA Graduation Results Batch 2 Year 2023 with Reserve Accepted Status can be seen on the page https://pengumuman.upnvj.ac.id by logging in first using the Form Number and PIN obtained during registration or Participant Number and date of birth on the card participant sign.
  2. Prospective new students who are determined to be accepted by the UPNVJ SEMA Reserve Batch 2 in 2023 are declared accepted at UPNVJ if they have fulfilled the conditions for accepting D-3 and S-1 new students for the SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 in 2023 with Reserve Acceptance Status which includes:
  1. medical check up;
  2. payment of Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) and Single Tuition Fee (UKT); And
  3. re-registration.
  1. Medical check up
  1. All prospective new students who are determined to be accepted into SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 reserves for 2023 are required to carry out the following provisions:
    1. undergo a medical test with the following conditions:
      1. All prospective new students who are determined to be accepted into SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 reserves for 2023 are required to undergo a health test, namely a test free of narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances.
      2. especially for prospective new students who are determined to be accepted into the SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 2023 reserves for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Pharmacy are required to undergo a health test which includes a color blindness test and a test free of narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances; And
    2. health tests are carried out at the UPNVJ Main Outpatient Clinic located on Jalan Raya Limo, Limo District, Depok City 16515 Limo Campus;
    3. health tests will be held on Sunday, August 6 2023 from 08.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB;
    4. In the event that the results of the test free from narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances as intended show that the prospective new student does not meet the criteria (positive for Cocaine (COC) and Marijuana (THC)) then the prospective new student cannot continue the process of accepting new students for SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 Year 2023;
    5. In the event that the results of the color blindness test as intended show that prospective new students for the Undergraduate Medicine Study Program and Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program do not meet the criteria (Color Blindness), then the prospective new students cannot continue the process of accepting new students from the UPNVJ Wave 2 SEMA Results. 2023;
    6. Procedures for registering for medical tests and test schedules for each study program will be informed via the page https://penmaru.upnvj.ac.id and UPNVJ social media (make sure to follow UPNVJ social media to get the latest information, especially regarding information on new student admissions).
  1. Payment and Repayment of SPI and UKT
  1. Prospective new students can make payments and repay SPI and UKT on 6 August 2023 at 13.00 WIB until 7 August 2023 at 15.00 WIB via teller , ATM, or internet banking at Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), and Bank State Savings (BTN)
  2. SPI and UKT payments cannot be paid in installments .
  3. The SPI and UKT payment and repayment guide can be seen on the penmaru.upnvj.ac.id/cara-bayaran page.
  4. SPI and UKT payments and settlements after August 7 2023 at 15.00 WIB will not be served and prospective new students will be declared to have withdrawn.
  5. proof of payment receipt is uploaded when re-registering online.
  6. Payment and repayment of SPI and UKT for prospective new students can be made after:
  1. upload a statement document related to the medical test, the format of the statement letter can be downloaded via the registration page.upnvj.ac.id by logging in first;
  2. upload documents of health test results showing that you are not color blind and free of narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances as well as via the registration page.upnvj.ac.id ; And
  3. Statement documents related to health tests and health test results documents showing that they are not color blind and free from narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances will be validated first by the SEMA UPNVJ New Student Admissions Committee Batch 2 of 2023. After the documents are declared valid, prospective new students can immediately apply. payment and repayment of SPI and UKT. Document validation status can be seen on the registration.upnvj.ac.id page by logging in first. A statement letter regarding the medical test and the results of the medical test which have been declared valid show that the prospective new student meets the requirements to take part in education at UPNVJ.
  1. Re-registration
  1. Prospective new students who have made SPI and UKT payments and settlements can immediately re-register via the regmaba.upnvj.ac.id page by logging in first using the SEMA UPNVJ Wave 2 2023 participant number and date of birth.
  2. Prospective new students can re-register online no later than August 7 2023 at 23.59 WIB.
  3. The documents required to carry out re-registration are scanned original or colored documents which include:
  1. SEMA UPNVJ Batch 2 participant identification card for 2023;
  2. identity card (KTP/KTP Receipt Number);
  3. Family card (KK);
  4. proof of receipt of payment and settlement of SPI and UKT;
  5. diploma or graduation certificate; And
  6. statement letter as a new student (can be uploaded via the page https://s.id/spmabaupnvj2023 ).
  1. Cancellation of Prospective New Students

Prospective new students will have their rights as new UPNVJ students revoked, if it turns out:

  1. does not fulfill the provisions as intended in Numbers 1 to 5;
  2. provide false information; And
  3. late in making payments and paying off SPI and UKT from the predetermined schedule.
  1. Closing
  1. If a prospective student has been accepted into one of the study programs at UPNVJ and then withdraws, all fees paid will not be returned.
  2. For further information regarding new student admissions, you can contact the information section of the 2023 UPNVJ New Student Admissions Committee via WhatsApp (WA Chat Only ) 0877-8284-5554, 0858-8817-5173, or 0858-8302-2355 or e-mail penmaru @upnvj.ac.id .
  3. We only convey information, announcements and news about new student admissions via official social media:
  1. page: https://penmaru.upnvj.ac.id .
  2. Instagram: @upnveteranjakarta
  3. Facebook: @upnjakarta
  4. Twitter: @upnjakarta
  5. Youtube: @upnveteranjakarta; And
  6. TikTok: @upnveteranjakarta

Jakarta, 4 August 2023

the Chancellor

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,

Dudy Heryadi

NIP 196504261991031002