
U TBK-SNBT 2023 can be attended by students graduating in 2021, 2022, and 2023 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK and equivalent), as well as Package C graduates in 2021, 2022, and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1 2023). Participation in UTBK is the main requirement for taking part in the Test-Based National Selection at Academic PTNs, Vocational PTNs and State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).

UTBK-SNBT objectives


  1. predicting prospective students who will be able to complete their university studies well and on time; And
  2. provides the opportunity for prospective students to take the test flexibly, namely choosing the location and time of the test.
  3. provide opportunities for prospective students to choose Academic PTN, Vocational PTN, and PTKIN across regions; And
  4. Selecting prospective students based on UTBK results and/or other criteria determined jointly with PTN Academic, PTN Vocational, and PTKIN

Registration Stages

In general, the stages of UTBK-SNBT registration are as follows:

  1. SNBT Account Registration
  2. Login
  3. Select the Data Verification and Validation Menu
    • Fill in and complete your biodata, upload your latest color passport photo, and verify your biodata as well as download and upload your blind/low vision statement
  4. Select the UTBK-SNBT Registration Menu
    • Choose a Study Program, Upload Portfolio, Choose a PTN UTBK Center, and obtain a UTBK Fee Payment Slip
  5. Pay
    • Will be announced later.
  6. Print UTBK-SNBT Participant Cards

UTBK material

  1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS)
    • TPS measures Cognitive Abilities which are considered important for success in formal schooling, especially higher education. In TPS what will be tested are General Reasoning Ability , Quantitative Ability , General Knowledge and Understanding , and Reading and Writing Comprehension Ability . Quantitative abilities will include Knowledge and Mastery of Basic Mathematics.
  2. Literacy in Indonesian and English
    • Measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect on various types of texts to solve problems and develop individual capacity as Indonesian citizens and global citizens so they can contribute productively to society.
  3. Mathematical Reasoning
    • Measures the ability to think using concepts, procedures, facts and mathematical tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts that are relevant for individuals as Indonesian citizens and global citizens.

UTBK Exam Group


The exam groups at UTBK are divided into 3 (three) as follows.

  • Science and Technology (Saintek) Examination Group with TPS, English and TKA Saintek exam materials (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology). Allocation of 195 minutes.
  • Social and Humanities (Soshum) Examination Group with TPS, English and TKA Soshum (Geography, History, Sociology and Economics) exam materials. Allocation of 195 minutes.
  • Mixed Examination Group (Science and Technology and Social Affairs) with TPS, English, TKA Sciencetek, and TKA Social Affairs exam materials. Allocation of 285 minutes.

Portfolio (Specifically for Sports and Arts Study Programs)

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta currently does not have a Sports and Arts Study Program.

There are 10 types of portfolio, as follows.

  1. Sport;
  2. Fine Arts, Design and Crafts;
  3. Dance (including Ballet/Performing Arts Dance option);
  4. Theater (including Ballet/Performing Arts Theater/Drama option);
  5. Music (including Ballet/Performing Arts Music option);
  6. Karawitan Art;
  7. Ethnomusicology;
  8. Photography;
  9. Film and Television;
  10. The Art of Puppetry.
Instructions and Portfolio Documents can be downloaded via this link

Choice of Study Program

Each student is allowed to choose two study programs at one PTN or one study program each at two PTNs ( Freedom and Responsibility ).

UTBK fees

The conditions for UTBK financing for participants are as follows:

  • The UTBK fee is IDR 200,000 (two hundred thousand rupiah)
  • Fees that have been paid cannot be withdrawn for any reason.

Procedure for Payment of UTBK Fees

Will be announced later

General requirements

  1. SNBT participants are only allowed to take part in UTBK once
  2. UTBK results are only for registering for 2023 SNBT registration.
  3. SNBT 2023 is carried out based on the UTBK results and can be supplemented with other criteria in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Academic PTN, Vocational PTN, or PTKIN

Participant Requirements

Requirements for UTBK-SNBT participants:

  1. Have an SNPMB Account.
  2. Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have a Population Identification Number (NIK).
  3. SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent students who are prospective graduates in 2023 must have a Class 12 SMA/MA/SMK Student Certificate or Package C students in 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of 1 July 2023).
    Class 12 Student Certificate accompanied by:
    • latest photo (color)
    • school stamp/stamp
    • Principal's signature
  4. Students graduating from SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent in 2021 and 2022 or Package C graduates in 2021 and 2022 must have a diploma with a maximum age of 25 years (as of 1 July 2023). High school graduates of the equivalent level from abroad must have an equivalent diploma.
  5. Not passing the SNBP 2023 or SNMPTN route in 2021 or 2022.
  6. Have adequate health so that it does not interfere with the smoothness of the study process.
  7. Participants who choose the Arts and Sports study program are required to upload a portfolio.
  8. Blind participants are required to upload a Blind Statement Letter
  9. The 2023 UTBK results are only valid for taking SNBT and 2023 PTN admission

Announcement of UTBK-SNBT Results

UTBK-SNBT results can be viewed simultaneously on June 20 2023 .

UTBK-SNBT schedule

  1. SNPMB Account Creation: 16 February – 03 March 2023
  2. UTBK-SNBT Socialization: 01 December 2022 - 14 April 2023
  3. UTBK-SNBT Registration: March 23 - April 14 2023
  4. Implementation of UTBK Wave I: 08 - 14 May 2023
  5. Implementation of UTBK Wave II: 22 - 28 May 2023
  6. Announcement of SNBT Results: 20 June 2023
  7. UTBK Certificate Download Period: 26 June - 31 July 2023
    *) All activities on the appointed day end at 15.00 WIB


Applicants for the Indonesian Smart College Card Scholarship (KIP-K)

A. Requirements for KIP College Recipients

  1. High School , Vocational School or equivalent students who will graduate in the current year or graduated 2 (two) years previously;
  2. Have good academic potential but have economic limitations supported by valid documentary evidence;
  3. Pass the selection for new student admissions , and be accepted at PTN or PTS in Study Programs with Accreditation A or B , and it is possible with certain considerations in Study Programs with Accreditation C.
  4. Economic limitations are proven by ownership of a national education assistance program in the form of a Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) or coming from families participating in the Family Hope Program (PKH) , families holding Prosperous Family Cards (KKS) and students from social institutions/orphanages.
  5. In the event that a student does not yet have a KIP or their parents/guardians do not have a KKS , they can still register to get a College KIP as long as they meet the requirements for economic incapacity in accordance with the provisions, as proven by:
    1. The combined gross income of parents/guardians is IDR 4,000,000.00 (four million rupiah) ; or
    2. The combined gross income of parents/guardians divided by the number of family members is a maximum of IDR 750,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) . Where, the final decision on the recipient will be taken by each university.

B. Advantages of KIP College Recipients

  1. Exemption from registration fees for college entrance selection (Computer Based Written Test-UTBK and other selections) proposed by each committee and college for students registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos);
  2. Exemption from tuition/education fees paid directly to universities;
  3. Living expenses assistance of IDR. 700,000.00 (seven hundred thousand rupiah) per month .

C. KIP Lecture Period

  1. Regular Program
    1. Bachelor degree maximum 8 (eight) semesters;
    2. Diploma Four maximum 8 (eight) semesters;
    3. Diploma Three maximum 6 (six) semesters;
    4. Second Diploma maximum 4 (four) semesters;
    5. Diploma One is a maximum of 2 (two) semesters.
  2. Professional Program
    1. Doctor for a maximum of 4 (four) semesters;
    2. Dentist for a maximum of 4 (four) semesters;
    3. Veterinarian for a maximum of 4 (four) semesters;
    4. Nurses maximum 2 (two) semesters;
    5. Pharmacist for a maximum of 2 (two) semesters;
    6. Teacher for a maximum of 2 (two) semesters.

D. KIP College Registration

The procedure for registering for KIP Kuliah for all entry routes (SNBP, SNBT, SNMPN, SBMPN and Mandiri) is done online via the KIP Kuliah page, namely:

  1. Via the official website at
  2. Through a mobile application by downloading and installing the Android- based KIP Kuliah mobile apps on the Play Store .

E. Stages of KIP College Registration

KIP College Registration Stages:

  1. Students can immediately register independently in the KIP Kuliah online system via the page or via the KIP Kuliah mobile app which can be downloaded on the Play Store ;
  2. During registration, students enter their NIK (Population Identification Number) , NISN (National Student Identification Number) , NPSN (National School Identification Number) and an active email address;
  3. The College KIP system will then validate the NIK , NISN and NPSN as well as the eligibility to obtain a College KIP;
  4. If the validation process is successful, the KIP Kuliah System will then send a Registration Number and Access Code to the registered email address;
  5. Students complete the KIP Kuliah registration process and choose the selection process to follow (SNMPTN/SNBT/SNMPN/SBMPN/Mandiri);
  6. Students complete the registration process on the portal or information system according to the selection path chosen in the national selection or in the college entrance selection ;
  7. For prospective KIP Kuliah recipients who have been declared accepted at a higher education institution, further verification can be carried out by the higher education institution before being proposed as a prospective student receiving KIP Kuliah.

F. KIP College Registration Flow


Unit Education Costs for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Undergraduate Students Accepted Through the SNBP and SNBT Routes in 2023/2024

1 Banking and Finance D-3 500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,300,000 4,100,000 4,900,000 5,700,000 6,400,000
2 Accountancy D-3 500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,300,000 4,100,000 4,900,000 5,700,000 6,400,000
3 Information Systems D-3 500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,300,000 4,100,000 4,900,000 5,700,000 6,400,000
4 Nursing D-3 500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,500,000 4,500,000 5,500,000 6,500,000 7,300,000
5 Physiotherapy D-3 500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,400,000 4,300,000 5,200,000 6,100,000 7,000,000

Information :

UKT Groups I - VIII : Specifically paid by students who are accepted via the SNBP and SNBT route
UKT KIP-K : Students who receive KIP-K scholarships whose UKT is paid by the State

Study Program and Capacity

SNBP (20%) SNBT (50%) SEMA-UPNVJ (30%)


2 D3 ACCOUNTING 16 40 24 80
5 D3 PHYSIOTHERAPY 12 30 18 60

For further information regarding new student admissions, you can contact the information section of the 2023 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta New Student Admissions Committee via:

SNPMB Official Page and Address

  1. Official SNPMB information can be seen on the page
  2. Official information can be accessed via and call center 0804 1 450 450 (08.00 - 18.00 WIB).
  3. Official information can also be obtained at the nearest PTN Integrated Services Unit (ULT)/Public Relations.
  4. SNPMB address
    Building D Floor 2, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Complex Jalan Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta 10270
    Telephone: (021) 3104041
  5. SNPMB Official Social Media : QriesQries Qries Qries Qries
Last updated : 09:40 WIB | Halaman ini merupakan halaman dinamis, sewaktu-waktu informasi dapat berubah.

Kontak Kami

Sub Bagian Registrasi & Statistik UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Gedung Rektorat Lantai Dasar, Jl. RS Fatmawati, Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12450
021-7699431 / 021-7656971 (Ext 124)
021-7699431 / 021-7656971 (Ext 124)