UTBK-SBMPTN Computer-Based Writing Examination - Joint Selection for State University Entrance (UTBK - SBMPTN)

09:14 WIB


UTBK objectives:

  1. predicting prospective students who are able to complete their studies in college well and on time; and
  2. provide opportunities for prospective students to take the test flexibly, namely by being able to choose the location and time of the test.

SBMPTN objectives:

  1. selecting prospective students who are predicted to be able to complete their studies in college well and on time based on the UTBK results and/or other criteria set together by state universities;
  2. provide opportunities for prospective students to choose state universities cross-regionally; and
  3. help universities to obtain prospective students who are predicted to be able to complete their studies in higher education based on their academic scores and/or other achievements.

Registration Flow

Generally, the registration procedures are like this:

  1. Create your LTMPT account
  2. Login
  3. Choose Data Verification and Validation Menu
    • fill in your profile, upload your latest colored photo, and verify it
  4. Choose UTBK-SBMPTN Registration Menu
    • Complete all the required data: (1) Profile, (2) Choose Program, (3) Upload Portfolio, (4) Choose UTBK Center Location, and (5) Get Payment Slip
  5. Make Payments at Certain Banks
    • Payments can be made in at partner Bank (Mandiri, BNI, BTN, and BRI) using the payment slip 1x24 hour at the latest.
  6. Print Out UTBK-SBMPTN Participant Card
  7. Participate in UTBK
    • According to the information on the UTBK-SBMPTN Participant Card.

Meanwhile the registration flow of UBTK-SBMPTN 2022 as follows:


Exam Materials


  1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS)
    • TPS measures Cognitive Ability which is considered important for success in formal schools, especially higher education. In TPS what will be tested are General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Comprehension, as well as Reading and Writing Comprehension Ability. Quantitative abilities will include Basic Mathematical Knowledge and Mastery.
  2. English Proficiency Test
    • Measuring the English language skills needed to support learning in higher education.
  3. Academic Ability Test (TKA)
    • Measuring the knowledge and understanding of science taught in schools that is necessary for someone to be successful in pursuing higher education. TKA also measures cognitive abilities that are directly related to the content of subjects learned in school. The emphasis of the test is on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

Test Groups


Test groups for UTBK are divided into 3 (three) as follows:

  • Science and Technology Test Group (Saintek) with exam materials such as TPS, English Proficiency Test, and TKA Science & Technology (Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology). Allocated time approx. 195 minutes.
  • Social and Humanities Test Group (Soshum) with exam materials such as TPS, English Proficiency Test, and TKA Social and Humanities (Geography, History, Sociology, and Economy).  Allocated time approx. 195 minutes.
  • Mixed Test Group (Saintek and Soshum) with exam materials such as TPS, English Proficiency Test, TKA Science & Technology, and TKA Social and Humanities.  Allocated time approx. 285 minutes.


There are 10 types of portfolio, such as:

  1. Sports; 
  2. Art, Designs, and Handicrafts; 
  3. Dance (including Dance Performance Arts); 
  4. Theater (including Theater/Drama Performance Arts); 
  5. Music (including Music Performance Arts); 
  6. Musical Arts; 
  7. Ethnomusicology; 
  8. Photography; 
  9. Film and Television; 
  10. Puppetry.
Instructions and Portfolio Documents can be downloaded via this link

Terms in Choosing Study Programs


  1. Study programs at state universities/polytechnics are divided into two groups: Science and Technology Group (Saintek) as well as Social and Humanities Group (Soshum).
  2. Participants can choose study programs from any state universities/polytechnics.
  3. Participants can choose two study programs at most under the following conditions:
    1. If all of the chosen study programs are categorized as Science&Technology Group (Saintek), then the participant will join the Science&Technology Test Group (Saintek).
    2. If all of the chosen study programs are categorized as Social&Humanities Group (Soshum), then the participant will join the Social&Humanities Test Group (Soshum).
    3. If the study programs chosen are from both Science&Technology Group and Social&Humanities Group, then the participant will join the Mixed Test Group.
    4. Participants can choose two study programs from different state universities/polytechnics (one program from each university).
    5. The order in the selection of study programs states the participants' priority of choice.
  4. Medicine and Dentistry study progams can ONLY be chosen by graduates from SHS/ISHS majoring in Science.
  5. Capacity and requirements of every state university year 2022 can be seen at the sub menu List of State Universities/Polytechnics

Exam Fee


Payment terms for UTBK participants are as follows:

  • Rp200.000,- (two hundred thousand rupiah) for Science&Technology or Social&Humanities test groups.
  • Rp300.000,- (three hundred thousand rupiah) for Mixed test groups.
  • Payment can be made via Mandiri, BNI, BTN, or BRI.
  • Fees already paid are non-refundable for any reason.
  • Prospective participants who joined KIP-K Scholarship and were declared to have passed all requirements will be free of charge.

Payment Procedures

Payments for UTBK-SBMPTN can be made via Mandiri, BNI, BTN, or BRI. 
The procedure for each payment at each bank can be seen in the file as follows:

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Exam materials: TPS, English, and TKA.
  2. Exam methods: Computer Based Writing Exam
  3. Test Groups: Science&Technology or Social&Humanities or Mixed
  4. Test Opportunity: each participant is only allowed to join once
  5. Test Result: Each participant will be given their test result individually



Requirements for UTBK-SBMPTN participants:

  1. Has a permanent LTMPT account.
  2. Indonesian citizen (WNI) that has personal ID number (NIK).
  3. 2022 graduate candidates of SHS/ISHS/VS/its equivalent must have student certificates (Surat Keterangan Siswa) that state they are SHS/ISHS/VS Class 12 or students of Package C in 2022 with a maximum age of 25 years (per July 1 2022).
    • Class 12 student certificates accompanied by: 
    • latest photo (colored)
    • school stamp
    • signature of the Principal
  4. Graduates of SHS/ISHS/VS/its equivalent year 2020 and 2021 or graduates of Package C year 2020 and 2021 must have graduation diploma with a maximum age of 25 years (per July 1 2022). For SHS graduates from abroad must have an equivalent diploma.
  5. Did not pass SNMPTN in year 2020, 2021, and 2022.
  6. Participants Test Requirements:
    • participants that chose study programs categorized as Science&Technology will have to do TPS, English Proficiency Test, and TKA Science&Technology;
    • participants that chose study programs categorized as Social&Humanities will have to do TPS, English Proficiency Test, and TKA Social&Humanities; and
    • participants that chose study programs categorized as Mixed (Science&Technology and Social&Humanities), will have to do TPS, English Proficiency Test, TKA Science&Technology dan TKA Social&Humanities.
  7. Medicine and Dentistry study progams can ONLY be chosen by graduates from SHS/ISHS majoring in Science.
  8. Have adequate health so as not to interfere with their learning process.
  9. Participants who choose the Arts and Sports study programs are required to upload a portfolio.
  10. Blind participants are required to upload a Blind Statement Letter
  11. Made payments for UTBK via Mandiri, BNI, BTN, and BRI

Result Announcement

Result of UTBK-SBMPTN can be seen simultaneously on June 23 2022.




Study Programs and Their Capacity


*) SHS = Senior Highschool; ISHS = Islamic Senior Highschool; VS = Vocational School
SNMPTN (20%) SBMPTN (50%) SEMA-UPNVJ (30%)


1 ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 21 53 31 105 SHS Science, ISHS Science, VS Mechanical Engineering
2 NAVAL ENGINEERING 14 35 21 70 SHS Science, ISHS Science, VS Naval Engineering
3 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 21 53 31 105 SHS Science, ISHS Science, VS Industrial Engineering
4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 21 53 31 105 SHS Science, ISHS Science, VS Electrical Engineering, Electronical Engineering, Energy Renewal Engineering
5 COMPUTER SCIENCE INFORMATICS 33 88 52 175 SHS Science, ISHS Science, VS Construction and Property Technology, Geomatics and Geospatial Engineering, Electric Engineering, Machinary Engineering, Aircraft Technology, Graphic Printing Technology, Industrial Instrumentation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Textile Technology, Chemical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Naval Engineering, Electronica Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mining Geology, Energy Renewal Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Medical Laboratory Technology, Pharmacy, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry, Fishing Vessel Sailing, Merchant Ship Sailing, Fishery, Fishery Products Processing
6 INFORMATION SYSTEM 33 88 52 175 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, VS Construction and Property Technology, Geomatics and Geospatial Engineering, Electric Engineering, Machinary Engineering, Aircraft Technology, Graphic Printing Technology, Industrial Instrumentation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Textile Technology, Chemical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Naval Engineering, Electronica Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mining Geology, Energy Renewal Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Medical Laboratory Technology, Pharmacy, Social Work, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry, Fishing Vessel Sailing, Merchant Ship Sailing, Fishery, Fishery Products Processing, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Logistic
7 MEDICINE MEDICINE 44 110 66 220 SHS Science, ISHS Science
8 PHARMACY 12 30 18 60 SHS Science, ISHS Science and VS Pharmacy
9 HEALTH SCIENCES NURSING 28 70 42 140 SHS Science, ISHS Science and VS Nursing
10 PUBLIC HEALTH 28 70 42 140 SHS Science, ISHS Science and VS Nursing, Pharmacy
11 NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 21 53 31 105 SHS Science, ISHS Science and VS Nursing, Pharmacy
12 PHYSIOTHERAPY 12 30 18 60 SHS Science, ISHS Science and VS Nursing, Pharmacy
13 ECONOMY AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 56 140 84 280 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, VS Industrial Engineering, Business and Marketing, Accounting and Finance
14 ACCOUNTING 48 120 72 240 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, VS Industrial Engineering, Accounting and Finance
15 ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT 24 60 36 120 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, VS Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance
16 ISLAMIC ECONOMICS 16 40 24 80 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, VS Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance
17 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 48 120 72 240 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, SHS Language, SHS Theology, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, ISHS Language, ISHS Theology, VS Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Social Work, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Forestry, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Logistic, Hospitality and Tourism Services, Culinary, Beauty, Fashion, Traditional Art, Creative Craft Designs and Products, Music, Dance, Musical, Puppetry, Theatrical, Broadcasting and Film
18 COMMUNICATION STUDIES 64 160 96 320 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, SHS Language, SHS Theology, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, ISHS Language, ISHS Theology, VS Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Social Work, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Forestry, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Logistic, Hospitality and Tourism Services, Culinary, Beauty, Fashion, Traditional Art, Creative Craft Designs and Products, Music, Dance, Musical, Puppetry, Theatrical, Broadcasting and Film
19 POLITICAL SCIENCE 40 100 60 200 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, SHS Language, SHS Theology, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, ISHS Language, ISHS Theology, VS Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Social Work, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Forestry, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Logistic, Hospitality and Tourism Services, Culinary, Beauty, Fashion, Traditional Art, Creative Craft Designs and Products, Music, Dance, Musical, Puppetry, Theatrical, Broadcasting and Film
20 INFORMATION SCIENCE - - 40 40 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, SHS Language, SHS Theology, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, ISHS Language, ISHS Theology, VS Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Social Work, Crop Agribusiness, Livestock Agribusiness, Animal Health, Processing Agricultural Products Agribusiness, Forestry, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Logistic, Hospitality and Tourism Services, Culinary, Beauty, Fashion, Traditional Art, Creative Craft Designs and Products, Music, Dance, Musical, Puppetry, Theatrical, Broadcasting and Film
21 LAW LAWS 96 240 144 480 SHS Science, SHS Social Study, SHS Language, SHS Theology, ISHS Science, ISHS Social Study, ISHS Language, ISHS Theology, VS Construction and Property Technology, Geomatics and Geospatial Engineering, Electric Engineering, Machinary Engineering, Aircraft Technology, Graphic Printing Technology, Industrial Instrumentation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Textile Technology, Chemical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Naval Engineering, Electronica Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mining Geology, Energy Renewal Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Telecommunications Engineering, Medical Laboratory Technology, Pharmacy, Social Work, Business and Marketing, Office Affair Management, Accounting and Finance, Hospitality and Tourism Services, Broadcasting and Film


KIP-K Scholarship

A. Recipient Requirements for KIP-K Scholarship

  1. Students of senior high school, vocational school or its equivalent who will graduate in the current year or have graduated 2 (two) years before;
  2. Have good academic potential but have economic limitations supported by valid documentary evidence;
  3. Passed the selection exam, and got accepted by State University or Public University in a Study Program with A or B Accreditation, and possibly C Accreditation, but only after certain considerations.
  4. Economic Limitations are supported by the ownership of the national education assistance program in the form of Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) or by belonging to a family that joined Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), a family that owns Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) or if the student came from an orphanage.
  5. For students who don't have KIP or their parents/guardians don't have KKS, they can still register to get KIP Kuliah as long as they fulfill the requirement of being economically disadvantaged, that can be supported by:
    1. Combined gross income of parents/guardians is Rp 4.000.000,00 (four million rupiah); or
    2. The combined gross income of parents/guardians divided by the number of family members at most Rp750.000,00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah). The final decision will be made by the respective college.

B. KIP Kuliah Benefits

  1. Exemption of registration fees for college entrance selection (Computer-Based Writing Examination/UTBK along with other exams) proposed by each committee and college for students listed in Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS) Ministry of Social (Kemensos);
  2. Exemption of tuition fee which will be paid directly to the college;
  3. Living expenses assistance of Rp. 700.000,00 (seven hundred thousand rupiah) per month.

C. Duration of KIP-K

  1. Reguler Program
    1. Bachelor max. 8 (eight) semesters;
    2. Diploma Four max. 8 (eight) semesters;
    3. Diploma Three max. 6 (six) semesters;
    4. Diploma Two max. 4 (four) semesters;
    5. Diploma One max. 2 (two) semesters.
  2. Professi​on Program
    1. Doctor max. 4 (four) semesters;
    2. Dentist max. 4 (four) semester;
    3. Vet max. 4 (four) semester;
    4. Nurse max. 2 (two) semester;
    5. Apothecary max. 2 (two) semester;
    6. Teacher max. 2 (two) semester.

D. KIP-K Registration

The procedures for registering KI-K for all admission routes (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SNMPN, SBMPN and Mandiri) are done online via KIP-K pages such as:

  1. Via official website at http://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id/
  2. Via mobile application by downloading and installing KIP-K mobile apps that is android-based in Play Store.

E. KIP-K Registration Procedures

Registration Procedures KIP-K:

  1. Students can directly register independently in the online system of KIP-K via the official page at https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id/ or via KIP-K mobile apps that can be downloaded through Play Store;
  2. During registration, students will need to enter their ID Number (NIK), National Student Identification Number (Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional), National School Number (Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional) and an active email address;
  3. KIP-K System will then verify the student's NIK, NISN and NPSN as well as their eligibility to get KIP Kuliah;
  4. If the verification process is successful, next KIP-K System will send Registration Number and Access Code to the registered email address;
  5. Student finishes the registration process and chooses the selection process they will go through (SNMPTN/SBMPTN/SNMPN/SBMPN/Mandiri);
  6. Student finishes the registration process in web portal or information system based on the selection process chosen;
  7. For prospective KIP-K recipients who have been declared accepted at their chosen University, there will be further verification by the University before being proposed as a prospective student to receive the KIP-K.

F. KIP-K Registration Flow


Tuition Fee for Freshmen of the Bachelor Program Accepted via SNMPTN and SBMPTN Year 2022/2023

1 ECONOMY AND BUSINESS Accounting 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.500.000 4.500.000 5.500.000 6.500.000 7.400.000 -
2 Management 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
3 Economics Development 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
4 Islamic Economics 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
5 MEDICINE Medicine 500.000 1.000.000 9.300.000 12.300.000 15.300.000 18.300.000 20.300.000 22.300.000 -
6 Pharmacy 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 4.000.000 5.500.000 7.000.000 8.500.000 10.000.000 -
7 ENGINEERING Machine Engineering 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
8 Naval Engineering 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
9 Industrial Engineering 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
10 Electrical Engineering 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
11 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE International Relation 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
12 Communication 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
13 Political Science 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.202.000 -
14 COMPUTER SCIENCE Informatics 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
15 Information System 500.000 1.000.000 4.000.000 5.100.000 6.100.000 7.100.000 8.100.000 9.100.000 -
16 LAW Laws 500.000 1.000.000 2.500.000 3.300.000 4.100.000 4.900.000 5.700.000 6.400.000 -
17 HEALTH SCIENCES Nursing 500.000 1.000.000 3.500.000 4.400.000 5.300.000 6.200.000 7.100.000 8.000.000 -
18 Public Health 500.000 1.000.000 3.000.000 4.000.000 4.900.000 5.800.000 6.700.000 7.600.000 -
19 Nutritional Sciences 500.000 1.000.000 3.000.000 4.000.000 5.000.000 6.000.000 7.000.000 7.700.000


20 Physiotherapy 500.000 1.000.000 3.700.000 4.700.000 5.700.000 6.700.000 7.700.000 8.700.000


Notes :

Tuition Fee Group I - VIII : Specifically paid by students who are accepted through the SNMPTN dan SBMPTN
Tuition Fee KIP-K : Students who receive KIP-K Scholarships whose tuition fee are paid by the government



Official Page and Address of Central Committee

  1. UTBK and SBMPTN 2022 registration official information can be downloaded at https://www.ltmpt.ac.id.
  2. Official information can be accessed on the page https://halo.ltmpt.ac.id and call center 0804 1 450 450.
  3. Official information can also be obtained at the nearest state university PR office.
  4. LTMPT Address
    Gedung D Lantai 2, Komplek Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
    Jalan Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta 10270
    Email : sekretariat@ltmpt.ac.id
    Phone. : (021) 3104041
    Fax. : (021) 3104042


For more info please contact us at:

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